How to use Proxies for the Insert Comments & Backlink Bot Auto Commenter Bot Package - Is Banner

How to use Proxies for the Insert Comments & Backlink Bot Auto Commenter Bot Package

How to use Proxies for the Insert Comments & Backlink Bot

What is proxy? What is the use of it? Where can it be made? And how is it used? We have answered these questions in a separate post on our website. You can click on the link to read this post: Post Link

Why are proxies needed to use the Insert Comments & Backlink Bot?

As you know, you need a Google account to register comments on websites like YouTube, etc. When using a Google Account, consider that after you create an account on Google (with an IP), if your IP changes later while you are using this account, Google gets sensitive about your account and may ask you to prove your identity as the owner of that account or to authenticate, this may cause trouble for you; So if you do not want your account IP to change, you had better use proxies

Now the question is how we can keep the IP used by any Google account fixed in the Insert Comment and Backlink Bot to avoid having any problems with authentication while inserting comments by the bot on various websites!

Use proxies to create or register your Google accounts to convince Google that these accounts are always used with this proxy (or IP). From the very beginning of the introduction of your accounts to the bot (Profile Maker Bot) we have been able to adjust the proxy for each account, and if you insert the proxy of an account in the relevant settings, this bot automatically registers the proxy of that account in the "Account Management" file so that whenever the bot wants to use the account, use the bot will always use this account with the same IP in your system. In such case, the IP of an account will never change and Google will not ask you for authenticating your accounts.

How to Set Proxies in the Insert Comments & Backlinks

You can use proxies in two parts of the Insert Comments and Backlink bot package :

  1. In the “Profile Maker Bot” settings Excel file
  2. In the “Account Management” Excel file

When providing proxies to use in bots, note that the bots that work with the Chrome browser are currently only capable of using HTTP proxy, but bots that work with Firefox browser are capable of using a variety type of proxies (HTTP and Socks).

Setting proxy in these two files is an easy task because in these two Excel files, there are 4 fields of proxy IP, Port, Username and Password in each row (for each account), which means that the bot will always automatically open the account In the browser using this proxy, which you have entered into the Excel.

set proxy
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