Telegram Bulk Messaging Golden Support Time-Limited Service

In this type of support, you hire a Telegram bulk messaging expert to do all the Telegram messaging for you. The support person, in this method, uses a VPS, Telegram bulk messaging bot and a number of virtual numbers (purchased at your expense) and sends between 20,000 and 30,000 messages to your mobile number database per month.

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Send Bulk Messages on Telegram Easily
Since Telegram Golden Support handles 90% of your Telegram bulk messaging, you will have no worries about the messaging process. All you have to do is provide the support person with a database of your target mobile numbers or Telegram IDs. The support person will do the rest for you, and with the experience they have, they will send your messages to 20-30 thousand people per month, which is a very high and effective figure for a productive advertising.
Prequisites & Procedure of Telegram Bulk Messaging Golden Support
What does the support person do for you?
The support person will do the following for you: The service you purchased and a link to a ticket to follow up your order will be placed in the “Follow up Purchased Services” section of your user panel. The support person sets up your VPS and installs Telegram Bulk Messaging Software on the VPS. The support person activates the virtual numbers you have purchased in the software on your VPS. The support person runs the Telegram bulk messaging bot every day and sends about 1000 messages to your mobile number database. The bot automatically fills an Excel file with the report of the sent messages. You can access these reports on your VPS. The support person will also inform you of the number of sent messages per week.What should you provide for the support?
After consulting with the support, do the following: Log into your account in the v-User website to go to your user panel. From the ticket link in the “Follow up Purchased Services”, you can follow up your order. Register on the v-User website and purchase the Telegram Bulk Messaging Software from this link. Purchase a VPS suggested and accepted by the support person and give him access to the VPS. Buy as many virtual numbers as the support person recommends. You can buy Telegram virtual numbers from this link in our website. Provide the support person with the mobile number or Telegram ID database (to which you want the message to be sent) in an Excel file. To get a list of IDs, you can use our Extrat IDs from Telegram group services.Who is it worth buying for?
If you want to send Telegram messages to your audience every day, spending the least amount of time and energy…
Explanation in audio file Audio file text × Audio file transcript If you want to send Telegram messages to your audience every day, spending the least amount of time and energy… There are generally four ways to send messages on Telegram:1. Send messages manually
2. Use messaging services
3. Use of automation software
4. Use Telegram Golden Support
In the following, I will give you more explanation about each of these methods. Solution number 1: Send messages manually
This means that you do not use any tools to send messages and you insert the desired contacts in Telegram on your mobile phone manually, you enter the chat page of each ofthem and send your message to these people. You may know that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to do on a large scale and with the purpose of advertising,. Solution number 2: Use messaging services
The second way is to use the messaging services. what does it mean? That means you give the mobile number or Telegram ID database of the people you want to advertise and the text of your advertising message to the Telegram service team. They will send your message to these numbers with the resources they have (ie their own system and virtual numbers). In this method, you pay about 0.03€ for each message that is sent. Well, it is obvious that if you want to send advertising messages every day and in large scale (for example, a thousand messages a day), using this type of service will cost a lot and will not be economical for you at all. Solution number 3: Use of automation software
This is the cheapest way possible. Because you buy a software tool and install it on your system and no matter how many messages you send with it, you do not pay any extra fees for each message. You only need to prepare a series of virtual numbers, activate them in Telegram and then set up the bot with the desired settings. Then the bot will send your message to the list of your mobile numbers or Telegram IDs in their private Telegram chat. This is the cheapest way possible, but setting up, executing and using a bot on a daily basis in your system according to Telegram rules may be a little energy-consuming and you may not find the time and patience to use it. Here comes the fourth way to use Telegram Golden support to help you. In Golden Support, you are actually hiring someone and provide him with your resources (system, virtual numbers, etc.) to send your message to the list of mobile numbers you want. This way, you no longer have to deal with bots and virtual numbers. You only pay for the required resources, and you hire an expert to send your message to the list of your target audience’s mobile numbers every day, using the resources you have provided. The advantage of this method is that you no longer spend any energy on the work. On the other hand, you do not hire a full time worker (who may have a high salary). Instead, you hire a part-time worker who is also a specialist at a very reasonable cost. In concludion, if you need to send messages on Telegram in bulk; but you are too busy and you do not have the opportunity to do things yourself and on the other hand you want to hire someone for a small cost and you want the person you hire to be an expert in this field, Telegram Gold support service is the best option for you.
By hiring a golden support person, you are sure that your advertising messages will be sent every day and you will leave the work to a specialist who will guarantee you the job.
Benefits of Telegram Bulk Messaging Golden Support
Inexpensive Hiring of Experts Save on expenses of Advertising in Telegram With the Golden Support services, you can entrust the daily bulk messaging on Telegram to an expert at the lowest price and reduce your advertising costs. Accounts and Bots Setup by Support No Virtual Numbers Activation and Bot Execution Issues With Golden Support, you do not pay for each message that is sent. Therefore, on a large scale, it is very economical compared to other advertising methods or services. Up to 1000 Messages per Day Guaranteed Continuous Sending of 20K to 30K Messages per Month By providing Telegram Golden Support, you are guaranteed that Golden support will send 20,000 to 30,000 Telegram messages per month for you, even when you are on vacation! No Extra Fee for Sending Each Message Economical Bulk & Continuous Daily Messaging With Telegram Golden Support, you do not pay for each message. Therefore, on a large scale, this method is very economical compared to other advertising methods.
Frequently Asked Questions How long is the Telegram Golden Support?
How long is the Telegram Golden Support?
Telegram Golden Support is charged monthly. If you want to use Telegram Golden Support services for a longer period of time, you need to extend the period by buying it again or recharging it. In fact, every time you buy the Telegram Golden Support Services, you will be supported for a month.For more information, read Types of vUser products Support Services