Limits on Sending Bulk Emails Limits on Sending Bulk Emails - Is Banner

Limits on Sending Bulk Emails Bulk Email Sender Bot Package

Limits on Sending Bulk Emails

All email service platforms impose limits on the number of emails that each account can send per hour and per day. Knowing about these restrictions and complying with them will help the email platform not get sensitive to your account, keep your account secure and prevent your accounts or email from getting spammed or banned. In the following, we have listed the most important restrictions that you should consider in your activities.

Important advice: We recommend that you pay attention to these figures when inserting the bot's settings and set the bot in a way so that the bot's activities for each account do not exceed these limits.

Google has officially offered a full detailed explanation about the limitations on sending emails here:

The figures we have listed in the table are obtained from our own observations and experience and that of our customers, which is the reason for the difference they have with the numbers officially announced by Google

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