The Best Way to Use SEO Bot in Accordance with Google Algorithms SEO Booster Bot Package - Is Banner

The Best Way to Use SEO Bot in Accordance with Google Algorithms SEO Booster Bot Package

The Best Way to Use SEO Bot in Accordance with Google Algorithms

In order for the Increase Google Traffic Bot to improve the SEO and ranking of your website, it must be used in accordance with Google's logic and algorithms. Since keywords are discussed in Google search, you should know to set the bot to search for what keywords with how many clicks, in what order and what timing.

Generally; when using the SEO bot, you should pay attention to 2 very important notes:

1. Do Not Work on Highly Competitive Keywords

Short-tail keywords are not a good option for the use of bots. For example, if your business is selling shoes, you should not directly target the keyword "Shoe sales" because this key phrase consists of only 2 words, and the fewer the words of a key phrase are, the harder it is for the key phrase to rank. But why not target highly competitive keywords or key phrases? Because to rank in highly competitive keywords or key phrases, domain authority is also important, and with a few simple clicks, you cannot compete with and excel the websites that are high in authority and having numerous backlinks.

For example, in the shoe business, instead of the keyword "shoes sales", target key phrases containing more words such as "men's sneakers sales", because this way you have a better chance of ranking higher.

2. Avoid Injecting Too Many Visits to Your Website All at Once

In using the SEO bot, you should start with a low number of clicks because if you inject a large number of clicks into the website, the website will become addicted to this number of clicks in the long run and will make your website unstable. For example, suppose your website appeared on the third page of Google search. It is obvious that on this page your site would hardly get even one click per day. Now, if you simulate a large number of clicks, for example, 30-40 clicks per day, Google would suspect from where your website suddenly received this large number of clicks. However, even if this high and sudden number of clicks does not cause any problems for your site and has a positive effect on its rank and SEO, your site will reach the second page of Google search results. Now, because your site is on the second page of search results, Google expects more clicks from it; In other words, Google expects your site, which received 30-40 clicks on the third page, to receive more clicks (60-80 clicks per day) on the second page. If you simulate this number of clicks and manage to get to the first page, again according to the same logic and algorithm, you need to simulate a much higher number of clicks on your site so that your site remains on the first page. Simulating this number of clicks will cost you a lot, and if you stop clicking, Google will think that you have suffered a severe drop in popularity among users and therefore it will take back the high rank it had given you.

In the following, we will explain to you how to use the SEO bot in order to observe these two points and see the best result in terms of improving your website rank.

The Standard Way to Use the SEO Bot

Now, considering the two mentioned notes, we are going to explain how to use the SEO bot .
In order to get the best results from the SEO bot, you must set the bot to target the secondary keywords of your website (en echelon and reciprocating)

By secondary keywords, we mean the long keywords/key phrases that have more words, which are known as long-tail . For example, in the shoe sale example, instead of focusing on the shoe sale keyword, work on "men's sneakers sales" or "Nike sneakers sales" because, as we explained, there is less competition on these keywords and it is easier to rank in these keywords. After you rank in various long tail keywords, your authority will gradually increase, and Google will gradually give you a higher rank in the main keywords.

The second note is about how to set the clicks, which should en echelon and reciprocating. Suppose your site appeared on the third page of Google search results, which did not get even one click per day. Now, if you injected one or two clicks on this page from Google to your website, it would be considered an improvement for your website by Google; As a result, to adjust the clicks in the bot, you must first start with a low number of clicks and gradually add to the number of clicks; That is, apply 1 click on the first day, 2 clicks on the second day, 3 clicks on the third day and this way, add to the number of clicks gradually. This is how you use the bot and expect your site to reach the first page of Google search results within 1 week to 10 days in that keyword. After your site gets to the first page of Google search results, naturally more people will see it and click on it; This is where you can take advantage of the real clicks (by real people) to your website and gradually reduce the number of simulated clicks (by bots); In other words, at this stage, your site will be clicked so naturally and organically that you will no longer need the bot to simulate clicks, and you can replace simulated clicks with organic traffic from Google; Therefore, you just reduce the number of clicks one by one every day so that your website gets to a stable status on the first page of Google and finally reduce the number of the clicks made by the bot to zero .

The Last Professional Tip to Know for Maximum Productivity of the SEO Bot

To use the SEO bot, you can introduce the Google account to the bot (Although you can use the SEO bot without a Google account, we recommend that you use the bot with multiple Google accounts). Every Google account you introduce to the bot is actually a browser profile because everything Virtual User Page 4 Of 10 you do in your browser (the websites you visit, usernames and passwords you enter, cookies, etc.) is saved in your browser and is known as your account history on browser it has been logged in. The more natural and human-like your account history is, Google will give more credibility to the searches and visits made by that account to your website, and then the visit made by that account to your website will have a greater impact on improving your website rank That is why we recommend that you set up the SEO bot using different Google accounts to do the searches, clicks and visits with different and multiple Google accounts.

Wrapping Up In short, in order to get the best result from using the SEO bot, instead of going directly to the main and highly competitive keywords or key phrases, it is better to target the secondary keywords first, so that the growth of these secondary keywords will eventually lead to the growth of the main keywords.

Also, you should not simulate a large number of clicks for a specific keyword at once,, because in the long run, instead of growing, it will cause your website Google rank to drop in that keyword. Start the number of clicks from a very low amount and gradually increase it, and after getting to the first page and receiving organic traffic, reduce the clicks to zero en echelon. This is the best way to use the SEO bot and simulate clicks

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