Version 5.2.3 of the Virtual User Software has been released - Is Banner

Version 5.2.3 of the v-User Bot Maker Software has been released

30 July 2018

A new version (version 5.2.3) for v-User Bot Maker Software has been released, which includes the following changes.

Improvement and Bug fixes

  • Fixing the problem of managing Excel action errors
  • Fixing the problem of Input Box focus after its display
  • Enahncing the design and performance of the Recoder window
  • Fixing the error of saving the Macors that their rImages file were deleted
  • Making the Persian and English versions of the Recorder application more compatible
  • Fixing the problems with the performance of the Editor application while working on big Macros
  • Increasing the speed of Unde and Redo in the Editor application
  • Enhancing and increasing the speed of the user interface of the Editor application
  • Fixing the issue with hiding the mouse cursor while running the macros with the Player application
  • Fixing the error of deleting the actions that were the target of a jump
  • Fixing the error of inserting a Change Number Actions when all the fields were empty

New Features

  • The ability to Recored and run mouse movements

If you have purchased v-User Bot Maker Software , you will have access to this update and all other updates through the user panel (Download Purchased Products section) or through the Bot's UI Program (that exists inside the package).

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