Version 6.8.0 of the Virtual User Software has been released - Is Banner

Version 6.8.0 of the v-User Bot Maker Software has been released

04 June 2019

A new version (version 6.8.0) for v-User Bot Maker Software has been released, which includes the following changes.

Improvement and Bug fixes

  • In previous versions, after long periods of execution of the Player application in Virual Servers, some graphical issues would occur. These issues are fixed in this version.
  • Making the selection of different search criteria of the Window & Control variables, more user friendly.
  • Fixing the problem with showing the name and version in the Editor application
  • Fixing the issue with finding cells with a long range in the Go to Cell action
  • Fixing minor problems and enhancing the Create Shortcut action
  • Fixing minor problmes and enhancing the 2Chaptcha action
  • Fixing minor problems and enhancing the Mouse Move action

New Features

  • Adding the mouse wheel support in Mouse Command and Mouse event action
  • Adding the ability to click on sub-controls using the Mouse Commnad action
  • Adding the ability to click on the same position of the Control or Sub-control that was clicked by the user, using the Mouse Command action
  • Adding the ability to type in sub-controls, using the Keyboard commnad actiond
  • Adding the ability to check the status of Sub-controls with a new action
  • Adding the ability to retrieve the class name of the controls or windows in the Get Text from Window/Control action
  • Adding the ability to get the Name and Value of the sub-controls in the Get Text from Window/Control action
  • Adding the ability to insert text and different types of variables in the Set Text into Window/Control action
  • Adding the Exact Math option, to the Find and Replace Text Action
  • Adding full support of the Firefox and Chrome borwsers
  • Adding the ability to use proxy servers in the Open Browser action
  • Adding the ability to scroll up and down the web page, using the Mouse Actions on Web Pages action
  • Adding the abilty to use a variable in the Change Item (drop-down list/combobox) parameter in the Mouse Actions on Web-Pages
  • Adding some options to simulate human behaviors, to the Open Program/File action
  • Adding the ability to user variables in the Move Focus to parameter of the Go to Cell actio
  • Adding the ability to insert * and the end of the Web Page variable
  • Adding the ability to insert * at the end of the Id, Name, and text parameters of the Web element variable
  • Adding the ability to ignore Id and Name in the Tag and Important Attribute option of the web element variable
  • Adding the option of searching xPath for the web element variables in modern browsers (Firefox and Chrome)
  • Adding the ability to insert variables in action delays
  • Adding the Time Lock Key to open time locked macros have been locked
  • Adding the Time Lock Message, to show in the Player application when attempting to run the locked macros
  • Adding the ability to create random variables
  • Adding the support for sub-controls and searching based on them
  • Adding the ability to search based on Control Type

If you have purchased v-User Bot Maker Software , you will have access to this update and all other updates through the user panel (Download Purchased Products section) or through the Bot's UI Program (that exists inside the package).

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