Backup Telegram Information - Is Banner

Información de respaldo de Telegram

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Having a backup of all your information, including photos, videos, chats, channels, groups, etc. is one of the most important and useful features of Telegram. Of course, information cannot be deleted from Telegram, unless you delete the wrong information yourself, or someone else deletes your information by logging in to your phone.

En general, la información de su cuenta de Telegram se pierde solo en dos casos y no se puede devolver:

1. Si su Telegram está bloqueado (ocurre raramente).

2. Elimine su cuenta de Telegram de forma permanente

In any case, having a backup of your Telegram information is a futuristic job that brings no harm. One day, for any reason that is not predictable right now, you may suddenly lose all your Telegram information, so if you have important information on Telegram, you had better save a copy of your information somewhere and keep it for the day.

El uso delRemitente de Telebot you can send mass messages to mutual and anonymous contacts. You can also extract and save the ID and number of your customers or potential contacts from Telegram.
For more information, refer to Bot de publicidad de Telegram.

Haga copias de seguridad y guarde la información de Telegram

As we said, if you delete your Telegram account, all your information will also be deleted and lost. But is there a way to guardar esta información?

Yes, Telegram provides such an opportunity for its users. With this feature, you can extract all the information you need and always have it. Note that this information will be available to you only for reading, which means that no podrá restaurar la información en la aplicación Telegram después de eliminar su cuenta.

At the end of this method, you will have a folder containing the information in your Telegram and you can easily view and use all the data if necessary.


Un punto muy importante
You can extract your Telegram data only on Telegram Desktop. To download Telegram Desktop, visit Install it on your system or laptop and activate your account on it. (This is very easy, just like the first activation on the phone that asks for your phone number and activation code.)

¿Cómo hacer una copia de seguridad de los chats de Telegram

In the following, we have explained how to back up Telegram chats. For this purpose, it is enough to follow the following steps:

Paso 1 Activa tus cuentas en Telegram Desktop. A continuación, haz clic en el primer icono de la esquina superior izquierda (tres líneas)
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Paso 2 Primero, ve a la Configuración.

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Paso 3 Go to the “Advanced” section.

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Paso 4 Click on “Export Telegram data” or “Extract Telegram data”.

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Paso 5 En esta sección, marca la casilla de la información y los datos que deseas guardar.

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Paso 6 At the end of this section, select “Human readable HTML” to make the output file understandable and clear. Note: If you select “Machine readable JSON”, the output file is encoded in machine language and can no longer be understood by humans.

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Paso 7 En la ruta de descarga, especifica la dirección en la que quieres que se almacenen los datos.

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Paso 8 A continuación, haga clic en Exportar. La duración del proceso de copia de seguridad depende del tamaño de los archivos. Por último, cuando haya terminado, haga clic en Mostrar mis datos para ver y explorar la información.

final backup

If you select the HTML, a folder will eventually appear in the path you specified that contains an HTML file called export_results.html.

In this file, you can view your account as a web page and click on the elements and see the contents of each option. Just open the file in the browser.

Las secciones de las que puede hacer una copia de seguridad

Instead of backing up all the information that is available in your Telegram account, you may want to back up only some parts of it. By checking any of the following sections, you can back up only that section:


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  • Información de la cuenta: Includes your account information, such as your account name, profile picture, contact number and other profile information.
  • Lista de contactos: You can back up your Telegram contacts list, if you select this option.
  • Chats de bots:By checking this section, the messages you sent to Telegram bots will be saved.
  • Grupos privados:Selecting this option, you will back up the chat archives of the private groups you are a member of.
  • Solo mis mensajes:This option only saves your messages and not the messages of other users. This section also has the Private Groups subgroup, which means your messages in the grupos privadosde los que seas miembro se guardarán.
  • Canales privados:Selecting this option will back up your private channel messages.
  • Grupos públicos:Al seleccionarlo, puede hacer una copia de seguridad de todos los mensajes de los grupos públicos.
  • Canales públicos:Al marcarla, se crea una copia de seguridad de todos los mensajes de los canales públicos.
  • Fotos: As its name suggests, by selecting this option, you will make a backup of all photos that you have sent and received on Telegram.
  • Archivos de vídeo: By checking this section, you will back up all the videos that you have received and sent.
  • Mensajes de voz:Al seleccionar esta opción, se guardarán todos los mensajes de voz.
  • Mensajes de vídeo redondos: This section backs up all the round video messages you have received and sent on Telegram.
  • Pegatinas: Selecting this option will back up all your incoming and outgoing stickers
  • GIFs animados:Al seleccionar esta opción, se realizará una copia de seguridad de todas las imágenes animadas o GIF.
  • Archivos: This option helps you save all your incoming and outgoing files. Below this is a slider where you can even specify the size of the files you want to save, for example, if the slider is set to 10MB, it will save all files that are less than 10MB. So consider that in such cases files larger than 10MB will not be saved.
  • Sesiones activas: This section is for the systems on which your Telegram is active and you can save the information on these systems.
  • Opción de datos varios: If you check this section, Telegram will put all the information that was not in the previous sections in the final backup for you.

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Don't forget...

Don't forget that the vUser website offers a bot to extract information from websites, which can be used to extract website emails, information from Google map, contact phone numbers from ad websites, etc. and use the database for advertising purposes. You can refer to this page Exprimidor de datos web to read about the features of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package.