How to Access to Instagram Stories since the First Day - Is Banner

¿Cómo acceder al archivo de historias de Instagram

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You may need to access the stories that you have put in the Instagram story since the first day you created an Instagram account. The good news is that it is totally possible. Actually, Instagram archives all the stories that you publish and collects them in some particular part of your profile called “Archive”. In the following, we will show you how you can access this section. Stay with us.

Pasos para acceder a tu archivo de historias en Instagram

Para ver todas las historias que ha compartido hasta ahora, debe visitar el «archivo de historias». Para hacerlo, haz lo que se explica a continuación:

Paso 1 Introduzca su perfil y haga clic en el icono de las tres líneas situado en la parte superior derecha.

How to Access to Instagram Stories since the First Day

Paso 2 En el menú que aparece, selecciona Archivar.

How to Access to Instagram Stories since the First Day

Paso 3 you will be driven to a new page, In the upper (middle) part of which, there is a drop-down menu that you can click on to open.

How to Access to Instagram Stories since the First Day

Paso 4 A continuación, selecciona elArchivo de historias so that all the stories you have posted since the first day of account creation will be listed for you.

How to Access to Instagram Stories since the First Day

Using this article, you can easily access the stories that you have published since the first day of your Instagram account creation. We hope that you will find this article helpful and are looking forward to your feedback in the comment section below.

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