How to Tag People in Instagram Posts - Is Banner

¿Cómo etiquetar a las personas en las publicaciones de Instagram

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Imagine you wanted to congratulate someone on their birthday by posting a photo on Instagram. In this case, you had better tag the person on that photo so that they will be notified of your post and notice it immediately after they get to check on Instagram. Or sometimes you go to a restaurant and you want others who view your post know what restaurant it is if needed. In this case, you can tag the restaurant’s page on your post to help others know the restaurant and easily get more information about it if they would like.

Pasos para etiquetar o mencionar a otras personas en las publicaciones de Instagram

Para etiquetar a otras personas o páginas en tu publicación, sigue los pasos que se indican a continuación:

Paso 1 Inicia sesión en tu página de Instagram y haz clic en el icono con el signo más en la parte superior.

How to Tag People in Instagram Posts

Paso 2 En la nueva página, seleccionaPublicar.

How to Tag People in Instagram Posts

Paso 3 Seleccione la imagen que desee y haga clic enSiguiente, que se encuentra por encima de la imagen.

How to Tag People in Instagram Posts

Paso 4 Then a page will open where you can edit the photo or put different filter on it. once you are done editing it, press Siguienteen la parte superior.

How to Tag People in Instagram Posts

Paso 5 En la nueva página que se abre, haga clic enEtiqueta a las personas.

How to Tag People in Instagram Posts

Paso 6 En la página siguiente, toca en algún lugar de la página y escribe el nombre de usuario de la página que quieres etiquetar en esta publicación.

How to Tag People in Instagram Posts

Paso 7 Por último, haz clic en¡Comparte!en la parte superior de la página para publicar tu publicación con el nombre de usuario deseado etiquetado en ella.

How to Tag People in Instagram Posts

Palabra final

In this article, we explained the steps of tagging people (page addresses) on Instagram posts and taught you how to link other pages/people to your post using this trick. Thank you for staying with us until the end of this article. You can share your opinions and suggestions with us in the comments section.

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Don't forget...

Don't forget that the vUser website offers a bot to extract information from websites, which can be used to extract website emails, information from Google map, contact phone numbers from ad websites, etc. and use the database for advertising purposes. You can refer to this page Exprimidor de datos web to read about the features of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package.