Save Instagram posts - Is Banner

Guarda las publicaciones de Instagram

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While browsing Instagram and scrolling between different posts, you want to save some of the posts so that you can have access to them later whenever you need. If you save a post, that post is saved in a section of Instagram that you can easily access later.

For example, imagine you saw a post of a dress you like to have a dressmaker make for you, so you need to save the post to show the model to the dressmaker later. By saving the post, it will be stored in a particular section of your Instagram account so that you can quickly go to that part whenever you want to find it and use it.

In the following, you are going to see the steps of how to save an Instagram post and how to find it later in the Guardado.

¿Cómo guardar publicaciones en Instagram

There is this bookmark icon ( ) below any post you open in Instagram. By clicking this icon, the desired post will be saved in a section of Instagram called Guardado.

save instagram posts

¿Cómo guardar publicaciones de Instagram en colecciones particulares

You can create different categories (collections) in the Saved section and save each post in its related collection. This way the Saved section of your Instagram will be more organized and you will access the posts you have saved more easily and quickly. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your desired Instagram post and press the bookmark ( ) icon below the post.
  2. In the new page that appears, you can either select one of the collection you have created before and are listed here or create a new collections. To create a new one, you select the “Nueva colección» opción.
  3. A box opens in which you can choose a name for your collection. Insert the name in the Collection name field. Then press Save at the top.

Al hacerlo, guardará la publicación de Instagram deseada en una colección concreta y podrá acceder a ella más fácilmente más adelante.
A continuación, verá cómo puede encontrar las publicaciones que ha guardado.

¿Cómo encontrar las publicaciones guardadas en Instagram

Ahora vamos a comprobar en qué parte de Instagram está guardada la publicación deseada.

Pasos para limitar el número de personas que pueden responder a tus historias en Instagram

Si quieres reducir el número de personas o cuentas que pueden escribir respuestas a tus historias en Instagram, sigue los pasos que se indican a continuación:

Paso 1 First enter your profile page and click on the ( ) icon.

save instagram posts

Paso 2 Cuando entres en la página deseada, seleccionaGuardado.

save instagram posts

Todas las publicaciones que ha guardado se encuentran en la página guardada.

¿Cómo eliminar una publicación de Instagram de la sección guardada

If you are done using a post that you have saved in Instagram, you may want to remove it from the saved section. To do so, you just need to open the desired post and press the bookmark ( ) icon. Pressing this icon makes the filled icon go blank. Filled bookmark icon below a post means the post is saved and blank bookmark icon means the post is not saved.

Palabras finales

You have learned how to save photos or videos that are published by others in Instagram so that you can have access to them whenever needed. If you know any other method, please share it with us and other users in the comments section.

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Don't forget...

Do not forget that the vUser website offers a bot package to increase your Instagram followers by drawing the audiences of your competitors to your page with special techniques and tools. Also, tools are included in this package that can greatly increase the chances of your posts entering Instagram Explore. If you have an Instagram page, we recommend that you visit the webpage Potenciador de seguidores en Instagram and take a look at the features of this package.