Instagram Active User Finder Bot  - Is Banner

Bot de búsqueda de usuarios activos de Instagram

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El bot de búsqueda de usuarios activos de Instagram, que existe en el usuario VBot de envío masivo de mensajes masivos de Instagram,es una herramienta robótica que te ayuda a identificar a los usuarios falsos o inactivos.En este artículo, vamos a explicar cómo funciona esteBot de búsqueda de usuarios activos de Instagram works and how it helps you increase the success rate of your advertising DM campaign.

¿Usodel bot de búsqueda de usuarios activos de Instagram?

Si has decidido promocionar tu negocio enviando mensajes directos publicitarios a la gente, seguro que tienes la intención de hacerlodirígete a los usuarios activos y reales. However, Instagram is full of accounts that are fake or belong to inactive users. But sending DMs to fake or inactive users is only a waste of time and energy because they never react to your messages, visit your page, like your posts or make a purchase.

As a result, prior to sending advertising DMs, one of the most important things to do is to identify the fake and inactive users that exist in the list of your target contacts and remove them from the list, so that you will finally target only the real accounts with the DMs.
Ahora la pregunta es ¿cómo puedes identificar a los usuarios inactivos y falsos?

Hay algunos parámetros que indican páginas falsas o inactivas. Por ejemplo, las páginas falsas o los usuarios inactivos no interactúan con otras páginas, no suelen tener una foto de perfil, una biografía y un nombre de usuario significativo. Tienen un número reducido de seguidores, un gran número de seguidores y pocas publicaciones o ninguna. fake pages or inactive users make no interaction with other pages, do not usually have a profile picture, bio and a meaningful username. They have a small number of followers, a large number of followings and a few or no posts.

As a result, to know if an account is fake or inactive, you need to open the profile of that account to check these parameters: the number of its followers and followings, their username, the number of their posts, etc.

Checking the profile of every single account that exists in the list of your target contacts obviously takes you a lot of time and energy; specially if there is a huge number of contacts to be checked. Moreover, you are not free to check any desired number of profiles in a day because Instagram no te permite abrir y comprobar más de100 perfiles por hora. as a result, you may feel the need for an automated tool, such as the Instagram Active User Finder Bot, to get the job done all automatically.
In the following, you will see how this Instagram Active User Finder Bot works to identify and separate the inactive users from the real ones.

Consejos importantes

Cómo usar el bot:
  1. Antes de ejecutar el bot, rellena correctamente el archivo de configuración de Excel para que el bot pueda ejecutarse sin errores.
  2. Ejecute el archivo «Instagram Active User Finder Bot», utilizando el programa de interfaz de usuario del usuario virtual, que parece una mano azul.

Nota 1: De acuerdo con las reglas de Instagram,si la edad de tu cuenta es de más de 6 meses, se te limitará a 60 seguidores por hora, pero te recomendamos que no superes los 50 seguidores por hora y dejes el resto de la cuota para los administradores; si superas la cantidad indicada, es posible que te bloqueen la acción o te prohíban por la sombra.

Nota 2: En el caso de las cuentas que tienen menos de 6 meses de antigüedad,la restricción de seguimiento se reduce a 20 cuentas por hora. Te recomendamos que no utilices todas las cuotas indicadas.

Capturas de pantalla

of Instagram Active User Finder Bot

¿Cómo funciona el bot En

How to configure and work with the Instagram Active user Finder Bot is provided in tutorial PDF and video files, which come with it. Therefore, we are not going to explain these issues here.

To launch this bot, you just need to open the Instagram Bulk DM Sender UI program and choose the Instagram Active User Finder Bot. Then, you apply the required settings by insertando el nombre de usuario del público objetivoal que desea enviar los DM. Luego, el resto se hará automáticamente y ya no tendrás que hacer nada.

The Instagram Active user Finder Bot will open the Instagram webpage. It then searches for each of the usernames, clicks on their profile, enters the profile of each one, and saves the information it extracts from each profile and records the information in front of each username in the list. The information includes bio, the number of posts, the number of followers, the number of followings, page being private or public, page having a profile picture or not, etc.

Then, by sorting the data gathered by the bot, you can easily identify which of these accounts are fake, inactive or real and active. The final list of active users that is separated from the initial list is a suitable target for sending advertising DMs.

¿Cómo obtener¿el bot de búsqueda de usuarios activos de Instagram?

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Instagram Active user Finder Bot is a part of the v-User Paquete Bulk DM Sender Bot de Instagram, and to get the bot, you need to purchase the whole package for 59 €.

The Instagram Active User Finder Bot is just a small part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package. It includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you do many more automated targeted activities in Instagram.

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Don't forget...

Do not forget that the vUser website has a bot for sending bulk messages in WhatsApp, through which you can send messages and ads. This bot can to extract the mobile number of group members, send messages to groups, send direct messages (including photos, videos, text, etc.) to any mobile number database. On this webpage Remitente masivo de WhatsApp, you can read about all the features of this bot.

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