Instagram Text DM Sender to Chat Repliers Bot  - Is Banner

Bot de remitente de mensajes de texto de Instagram a respondedores de chat

Tabla de contenido

ElBot de remitente de mensajes de texto de Instagram a respondedores de chat, existente en elBot de envío masivo de mensajes masivos de Instagrampackage, un producto del sitio web VUser, is a robotic software product that can automatically send your desired text message to the chat repliers (the people who have reacted/replied to your previous DMs) in Instagram.
In this post, we are going to discuss how the Instagram Text DM Sender to Chat Repliers Bot helps you in your business activities and how it works.

Uso del bot Transmisor de Mensajes de Texto de Instagram para Responder por Chat

One of the mostly recommended ways to promote your Instagram page and introduce your business to others is sending direct messages. Since people receive the DMs in private and directly, they get evoked to know who has sent it and what the message says, and as a result, the DMs are barely ignored.
You can send text DMs to strangers (people who do not follow you) to promote your business, advertise your products or services and notify them of your special offers and events.
Para anunciar tu empresa enviando DM, puedesadopta una campaña publicitaria en dos pasosen el queprimero te diriges a personas aleatorias con un simple mensaje de texto para filtrar a las personas que podrían estar interesadas en tu campo empresarial. For example, you may send a simple text message “Hello, hope you are doing great. Are you into cryptocurrency?” to a huge list of people, many of whom will answer you back. By extracting the usernames of the people who react/reply to your first message, you will gather a collection of people who are interested or involved in your business field- cryptocurrency here- and are likely to react to your ads by checking on and purchasing the products and services you offer in this regard, when they get a chance to find them out.

Therefore, in the second stage, you target the extracted group of people with your main ads by sending them advertising texts. This way, you increase the efficiency of your advertising campaigns because this way, more of the DM recipients will respond or react to the message you send.

To send an advertising text DM to your chat repliers (the people who have messaged/ replied to you in Instagram), you first need to extract the username of the people who have replied/reacted to your previous messages. To do so, you log into your Instagram account, get into your Instagram DM inbox and check each of the chats one by one to extract the username of the people who have reacted to you. You had better save these usernames somewhere.

Then, in the inbox, you click on the icon and search for the first username you have extracted and click Next to get into their chat page and type the message text you want and send it. You need to repeat the process for each of the huge number of usernames that exist in the extracted list of chat repliers.

Note that to bypass the limitations imposed on each account for sending DMs in Instagram, you need to use several Instagram accounts, which obviously turns the task to be a very slow, time-consuming and difficult task if done manually.

Por eso, para enviar un mensaje de texto de forma masiva, necesita una herramienta automatizada, como labot vUser de Instagram de remitente de mensajes de texto a chat, that can go through the whole process safely and is able to send a particular number of DMs using an account of yours and switch accounts all automatically, when required, without any need for the intervention of a human.
En la siguiente sección, verás cómoEl bot de remitente de mensajes de texto a respondedores de chat de Instagramfunciona.

Consejos importantes

La configuración y el funcionamiento del bot Instagram Text DM Sender to Chat Repliers es similar a lo que se describe en los vídeos tutoriales de este paquete; lo que significa que primero debes configurar el bot como deseas y, a continuación, ejecutarlo.

Consejos para usar el bot

En la configuración de este bot, si está configurada la opción «¿Verificar solo los chats no leídos?» a «1», tus mensajes solo se dirigirán a aquellos cuyos mensajes no se hayan leído y, si lo llenas con 0, los mensajes se enviarán a todos los que hayan chateado contigo (si solo has enviado un mensaje, esta opción no estará incluida). Si estás muy obsesionado con la comprensión exacta de esta opción, puedes probar ambos modos configurando un número reducido de mensajes.

Capturas de pantalla

of Instagram Text DM Sender to Chat Repliers Bot

¿Cómo funciona el bot En

How to configure and work with this bot is provided in the tutorial PDF and video files, which come with the bot. Therefore, we are not going to explain these issues here again.
Para lanzar este bot, solo tiene que abrir el programa Instagram Bulk DM Sender UI y elegirBot de remitente de mensajes de texto de Instagram a respondedores de chat, apply the required settings by inserting the message texts you want to send the chat repliers.
In case you have multiple Instagram accounts, you can also set the bot to send the text DM to a group of people using a particular account of yours.
Finalmente ejecutaEl bot de remitente de mensajes de texto a respondedores de chat de Instagram.
Después, no necesitas hacer nada porque el bot hará el resto automáticamente.
After you execute the bot, it will launch the system browser and go to the Instagram website, log into the Instagram account you have specified, open the inbox and check all the chats that exist in the inbox one by one and extract the username of the chat repliers (the people who have messaged you/ replied to you). The bot saves the username of the chat repliers in an Excel file for further use.
Then in the DM inbox, the bot will click on the icon. In the field that appears, the bot will type the first username that exist in the list, choose the target profile from the search results and press the Next button. In the page that opens, which is the direct messaging page of the target username, the bot will type your desired message text and send it. This is the process that will continue for each of the usernames that exist in the recipients list of usernames.
Mientras tanto, si ha configuradoEl bot de remitente de mensajes de texto a respondedores de chat de Instagram to send the text DMs using multiple of your accounts, the bot will switch to your other Instagram accounts when needed and keep working using your other Instagram accounts.
El bot termina su trabajo una vez que se hayan utilizado todas tus cuentas para enviar los mensajes de texto deseados a la lista completa de tus nombres de usuario objetivo.
El siguiente vídeo muestra cómoBot de remitente de mensajes de texto de Instagram a respondedores de chatfunciona.

Vídeo de cómo funciona el bot de remitente de mensajes de texto a respondedores de chat de Instagram

¿Cómo hacer que el remitente de mensajes de texto de Instagram se convierta en un bot de respuesta de chat El

Como mencionamos al principio del artículo, elBot de remitente de mensajes de texto de Instagram a respondedores de chat is a part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot package, a product of the vUser website, and to get the bot you need to purchase the whole package for 59 €.
ElBot de remitente de mensajes de texto de Instagram a respondedores de chat is just a small part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package and it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you boost your sales by many more automated activities in Instagram.

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