Bot de mention groupée sur Instagram
Table des matières
LeBot de mention groupée sur Instagram, existant dans le packageBot d'envoi de SMS en masse sur Instagram, qui est un produit du site Web vUser,
is a robotic software product that can automatically mention any number of your desired pages or
people in bulk in the comment section of any post in Instagram you want,
using one or multiple of your Instagram accounts.
In this post, we are going to discuss how the Instagram Bulk Mention Bot helps you in
your business activities and how it works.
Utilisation du bot Instagram Bulk Mention ?
When you mention someone under a post in Instagram, the person will be notified that you have called for them
under that post. The person will be evoked to check on the post or see what you have commented there.
As you might have guessed, you can use this feature to attract the attention of different people to a post of
yours or others. For example, by mentioning people under a post of yours, you invite them to visit the post.
Then, they might like it or comment on it, or get interested enough to check on your other posts or even
follow you. If in your Instagram page, you introduce the products and services you offer,
le fait de mentionner des personnes en masse sous vos publications constituera de la publicité
, causing the mentioned people to get a
chance to know you and make a purchase there in case you offer quality products or services for fair prices.
While mentioning other Instagram accounts in bulk, you need to consider the limitations that Instagram imposes on
mentionet d'insérerpermet à un compte de mentionner un maximum de 10 noms d'utilisateur dans chaque compte
and to insert un maximum de 20 commentaires par heure; exceeding it will put the
account at risk of being banned or blocked.
To mention someone under a particular post in Instagram, you log into your Instagram account, find and open
the desired Instagram post, and in the comment section, you type the username of the page/person you want to
mention with a @ at the beginning, you can also type anything else you want as the comment and post it.
To bulk follow, note that you can mention a maximum of 10 usernames in each comment you insert. Then, to do so,
you need to repeat this process for a group of usernames that exist in your target list to be mentioned in each
comment while simultaneously observing the Instagram limitative rules.
Obviously, it will turn the task into a very slow, time-consuming and difficult task to be done manually. That
is why, to bulk mention, you need an automated tool, such as the vUser Instagram Bulk Follow Bot, that can go
through the whole process safely and all automatically without any need for the intervention of a human.
Dans la section suivante, vous verrez commentBot de mention groupée sur Instagramfonctionne.
captures d'écran
of Instagram Bulk Mention BotComment fonctionne le bot La
configuration et l'utilisation de ce bot sont expliquées dans les didacticiels PDF et les fichiers vidéo fournis avec le bot. Nous n'allons donc pas réexpliquer ces problèmes ici.
To launch this bot, you just need to open the Instagram Bulk DM Sender UI program and choose the Instagram Bulk
Mention Bot, apply the required settings by
inserting the username of the target people you want to be mentioned and the link to the Instagram
posts you want them to be mentioned under.
Si vous souhaitez qu'un texte accompagne les mentions de chaque commentaire, vous pouvez également insérer les textes de commentaire souhaités.
In case you have multiple Instagram accounts, you can also set the bot to do the
mentions using a particular account of yours.
Vous lancez enfinBot de mention groupée sur Instagram.
Ensuite, vous n'avez rien à faire car le reste sera fait automatiquement parBot de mention groupée sur Instagram.
After you execute the bot, it will launch the system browser and go to the Instagram website, open the target
Instagram post, go to the comment section, type your comment text (if any available) and mentions a number of
people whose usernames you have specified while configuring the bot.
Après avoir exécuté le bot, il lancez le navigateur du système et accédez au site Web Instagram, ouvrez la publication Instagram cible, accédez à la section des commentaires, tapez le texte de votre commentaire (le cas échéant) et mentionne un certain nombre de personnes dont vous avez spécifié le nom d'utilisateur lors de la configuration du botchoisi au hasard parmi le nombre minimum et maximum de mentions pour lesquelles vous avez configuré Instagram Bulk Mention Bot, to avoid repetitive robotic behavior and simulate some human behavior which helps secure the
account from being identified as a bot and blocked.
Le processus se poursuivra jusqu'à la fin de la liste tandis queEn respectant simultanément les règles limitatives d'Instagram(sur un maximum de 10 mentions par commentaire) maximum de 20 commentaires par heure).
Meanwhile, if you have set the bot to mention the target people using multiple of your accounts, the bot will
switch to your other Instagram accounts when needed and keep working using your other Instagram accounts.
Bot de mention groupée sur Instagramtermine son travail une fois que tous vos comptes ont été utilisés pour mentionner la liste complète de vos personnes cibles.
La vidéo ci-dessous vous montre commentBot de mention groupée sur Instagramfonctionne.
Comment obtenir le bot Instagram Bulk Mention ?
Comme nous l'avons mentionné au début de l'article, le botMention groupée sur Instagram bot is a part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package, which is a product of the vUser website, and to get the bot you need to purchase the whole package for 59€.
LeMention groupée sur Instagram bot is just a small part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package and it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you boost your sales by many more automated activities in Instagram.