How to Get Out of Block & Report on Telegram
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Sometimes your account gets limited although you have just signed up and did not send any messages. This case happens due to the accounts’ previous activities or due to them being certain virtual numbers. You need to contact @spambot and explain the issue to have the problem fixed.
If you have been reported, you will get this error message when you try to send a message to an anonymous person.
This message means that you can only send messages to mutual contacts. (Mutual contacts are the people who have already chatted with you or saved your number on their phone.) In this article, we are introducing you to several ways to get out of Telegram report and block.
Methods to Get out of Block & Report on Telegram
If you have been reported in Telegram for any reason, join us in the following so that you can solve your problem by introducing 5 ways to fix the Telegram report.
Use Spam Info Bot
All the steps mentioned in this method are fully tested and 100% practical. You have to do them carefully, in the order stated, to get the desired result.
In this method, you use the official Telegram bot to remove the report and submit your request to the bot.
Step 1
To get started, in Telegram search, type @spambot.
Step 2
Click start to start the bot.
Step 3
The page that appears contains a message stating that you are a spammer, unable to send messages to anonymous people. Now if you think it was a mistake and want to regain the full functionality of your Telegram, select This is a mistake.
Step 4
In the next message, you will be asked to file a complaint if you wish. Now select Yes.
Step 5
The next message asks you if you have sent unsolicited advertising messages and inappropriate content to others. Select No! Never did that!
Step 6
Finally, you will be asked to write your complaint and send it to Telegram Support. A sample of the message you can use:
Dear Telegram Support,
My Telegram account has been restricted suddenly. I have several Telegram accounts, and I am doing the same activities with all these accounts. It is strange that this particular account of mine is in trouble. Please examine the issue and fix my problem. I request you to remove the spam from my account. Thanks in advance!
Step 7
Finally, Telegram will confirm your complaint and will investigate your case as soon as possible.
Replace Your Telegram Account Details with Someone Else’s
The steps mentioned in this method have not been tested, but there is no harm in trying this method to solve the report problem.
In this method, you need to exchange your Telegram username, profile picture and account name with those of a person you know.
Then go in a Telegram group and send a message of about 2 lines twice in 5 minutes. Note that both accounts that have exchanged their account information must do this. Usually after 24 hours, your Telegram report will be removed and then you can take back your original Telegram account information.
Ask Anonymous People to Message You
The steps mentioned in this method have not been tested, but there is no harm in trying this method to solve the report problem.
One of the easiest and most used ways to get out of Telegram report & block is to ask other anonymous people in a Telegram group to send you at least 10 direct messages or stickers in private for 4 to 7 consecutive days. If at least 10 people who are not your mutual contacts do this, your account is likely to get out of Telegram ban. Note that you have to be patient and never read these messages until you have about 100 unread messages in your Telegram chat every day. After 4 to 7 days, your Telegram will automatically regain its full functionality.
Contact Telegram Support Chat
One of the most effective methods is to chat with Telegram support team members. To use this method, you only need to be somewhat familiar with English. Follow the steps below.
Step 1
Enter Telegram and tap the three horizontal line () icon at the top left of the screen.
Step 2
Enter Settings from the menu.
Step 3
From Help, select Ask a Question.
Step 4
In the page that opens, select ASK A VOLUNTEER so that you can talk directly to the operator.
Step 5
Then tap start to begin your conversation. Write the problem you have and the operator will guide you if possible.
Email a Request to Telegram to Remove the Ban
If you did not succeed with the above methods and your Telegram is still limited, it is better to try sending an email as well. In this method, you send your request to remove Telegram report via email to Telegram support. Send your email in English to this email address: This department is
solely responsible
for investigating Telegram account
report requests and may check your request sooner. Write Spam as your email subject and write your email carefully so that they can address your problem.
Be sure to mention in your email that your account was misreported and you did not do anything against Telegram guidelines and terms. It is better to include the phone number with which you have a Telegram account and your Telegram username in the email so that they can check your account details if necessary. Usually, if Telegram makes a mistake in restricting your account, they will remove your Telegram report in less than 24 hours.

You can solve your Telegram report problem by trying the methods we have taught you in this article. Keep in mind that sometimes, despite all your effort, you may still not be able to release your account from Telegram report. Do not forget that due to the large number of messages sent to the Telegram support team, requests may take several days to be investigated.
Why is my account limited?
This means that you lose the ability to send unwanted messages to random strangers or post spam in groups.
Please Remove report on My Chanel
You need to contact Telegram
Dear Telegram Support Dear Telegram Support, As my telegram account has been spammed suddenly. I have several Telegram accounts, and I am doing the same activities with all these accounts. It is strange that this particular account of mine is in trouble. Please examine the issue and fix my problem. I request you to remove the spam from my account. Thanks
You need to contact Telegram
Thanks very much
Dear Telegram Support Dear Telegram Support, As my telegram account has been spammed suddenly. I have several Telegram accounts, and I am doing the same activities with all these accounts. It is strange that this particular account of mine is in trouble. Please examine the issue and fix my problem. I request you to remove the spam from my account. Thanks