Deleting comments and likes that we left for others - Is Banner

Comment supprimer vos commentaires et vos likes de la page des autres

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You may regret some of the likes or comments that you have left on Instagram for others. If you are thinking of taking them back or deleting them, Instagram has a feature using which you can delete the likes and comments that you have posted for others even since the first day you created your Instagram account.

Pour savoir comment supprimer les commentaires et les likes que vous avez laissés sur les autres pages, restez avec nous dans l'article suivant

Steps to Delete Likes & Comments from Others’ Posts on Instagram

Si vous avez l'intention de supprimer les likes et les commentaires que vous avez laissés sur d'autres pages, procédez comme indiqué ci-dessous :

Étape 1 Entrez dans votre page de profil Instagram et cliquez sur l'icône à trois lignes

delete your commente and like from other pages

Étape 2 Cliquez sur votreactivité.

delete your commente and like from other pages

Étape 3 Sélectionnez ensuiteInteraction

delete your commente and like from other pages

Étape 4 Après avoir accédé à la page souhaitée, cliquez surCommentaires

delete your commente and like from other pages

Étape 5 A page like the picture in front will open for you. Then select the message you want to delete and click on the Delete option at the bottom of the screen.

delete your commente and like from other pages

To delete your like from a particular post, by going through all the steps above, but instead of going to the comments page, click on the Likes.

Étape 1 en haut de la page, choisissezSélectionnez.

delete your commente and like from other pages

Étape 2 Sélectionnez ensuite l'une des images dont vous souhaitez que vos images soient reprises.

delete your commente and like from other pages

Étape 3 Ensuite, en cliquantContrairement àen bas de page, vous pouvez supprimer les likes que vous avez laissés pour les publications prévues.

delete your commente and like from other pages

In this article, you learn how to remove the comments and likes you left for others. Using this feature, you can easily delete the comments you regret. We hope you will find this article helpful. We are looking forward to your comments, suggestion, questions and feedback in the commenting below.

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Don't forget that the vUser website offers a bot to extract information from websites, which can be used to extract website emails, information from Google map, contact phone numbers from ad websites, etc. and use the database for advertising purposes. You can refer to this page Web Data Scraper to read about the features of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package.