Limitations of WhatsApp Advertising - Is Banner

Les restrictions de WhatsApp que vous devez connaître

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If you are planning to advertise on WhatsApp, you should know this is not easily possible, and you will face some limitations in performing advertising activities, and if you are not aware of those limitations, your WhatsApp account may be at the risk of getting blocked! Not only many people, due to their ignorance of WhatsApp limitations, lose their account, which is their most important way to communicate with their customers, but also their efforts to grow their businesses become useless. Therefore, we recommend that you observe the restrictions mentioned in this article to reduce the risk of your WhatsApp account getting blocking.

À propos de la validité des informations présentées dans cet article
We have been offering our WhatsApp advertising software package to many customers from all around the world for more than 5 years, and from our customers’ feedback, we have gained valuable information about WhatsApp restrictions and this information have formed the basis of this article. This article can be a complete reference of the limitations that you may encounter in the way of WhatsApp advertising activities, because we have obtained this information through extensive research from various resources and we have thoroughly tested and examined the common modes of all of them, thus this information can be very reliable and can be cited to a high extent.

In the following, we will give a complete description about the restrictions of WhatsApp in advertising activities! follow us in this article ...

Restrictions de WhatsApp sur les activités promotionnelles

WhatsApp a mis en place des restrictions pour contrôler les activités étendues et promotionnelles. Les propriétaires de WhatsApp affirment que ces restrictions sont imposées pour empêcher la propagation de rumeurs et de fausses nouvelles, mais leur objectif principal est de maintenir un monopole sur les revenus générés par la vente de publicités. En appliquant une série de règles restrictives, WhatsApp essaie d'empêcher les activités de masse via cette plateforme et de limiter la publicité sur WhatsApp afin que seule WhatsApp puisse gagner de l'argent de cette manière. Bien que WhatsApp n'ait pas encore activé son système de vente d'annonces, il est probable qu'il le fasse à l'avenir, car cette tendance s'est également manifestée publiquement sur d'autres plateformes.

Actuellement, en raison des règles et réglementations de base de WhatsApp, la publicité sur cette plateforme est considérée comme illégale, et les avertissements pertinents concernant la violation de ces règles entraînent le blocage de comptes.

Dans cet article, notre objectif n'est pas d'enquêter sur la véracité ou la fausseté des politiques de WhatsApp. Néanmoins, notre objectif est de présenter les limites auxquelles vous pouvez être confronté dans le cadre des activités publicitaires sur WhatsApp. Pour bien comprendre ces limites, rejoignez-nous...

WhatsApp a défini 2 restrictions importantes pour l'envoi de messages publicitaires sur cette plateforme :

  1. Limitations liées à l'envoi de messages privés.
  2. Limitations liées aux activités en groupe.

Restrictions relatives à l'envoi de messages directs sur WhatsApp La

méthode la plus efficace et la plus courante pour faire de la publicité sur WhatsApp consiste àsend direct messages to people, mais sachez que vous n'êtes pas libre d'envoyer des messages directs à des personnes sur WhatsApp ;Cela signifie que vous ne pouvez pas envoyer autant de messages que vous le souhaitez à des personnes. This may not seem to be a big deal on a small scale, but if you want to promote your products and services on WhatsApp, this will be a strong barrier to your advertising activities; Meaning that, not only you are restricted from sending bulk messages, mais cela peut également provoquer votreWhatsApp account to get blocked and lost.

Tout d'abord, il convient de mentionner que WhatsApp divise les personnes en deux catégories pour l'envoi de messages directs :

  • Contacts mutuels : People who have already chatted with you (or sent you at least one message) or saved your number in their contacts list.
  • Contacts non mutuels (personnes inconnues ou nouvelles): People who do not have your number saved and you have not chatted with them so far.

WhatsApp applique des règles différentes pour l'envoi de messages à chacune de ces deux catégories :

  1. Aucune restrictionpour envoyer des messages à des contacts mutuels : If you want to send messages to mutual contacts, there will be no restrictions on you and you can send as many messages as you want to your audience.
  2. Restrictions relatives à l'envoi de messages à des contacts non mutuels: In general, each WhatsApp line (each WhatsApp account) can send a limited number of messages to anonymous people per day; Meaning that the allowed number of messages that can be sent, varies according to the history of that line (age, engagement and interaction of each line in WhatsApp) for different WhatsApp accounts. For example, for users who have just created a WhatsApp account and have not had much interaction and activity in this environment, more restrictions would be applied and they are only autorisé à envoyer des messages à un maximum de 100 personnes anonymes par jour.

Signes de restriction ou de blocage dans WhatsApp

Usually There is no specific sign to warn you that you have exceeded WhatsApp restrictions or to indicate that your account is about to get temporarily or permanently blocked; but from the feedback we have received from our customers, they have shown signs that indicate a delay in sending messages and messages would not be sent to some contacts. These signs warn you to reconsider the number of messages you send or to consider other contacts for sending your messages.

When you are included into this restriction, you will usually receive the following message and you will not be able to log in to your account.

Signs of Getting Restricted or Blocked in WhatsApp

Sometimes this restriction may be temporary, and if you delete your WhatsApp account (both WhatsApp application and WhatsApp web version) and reinstall WhatsApp, your problem may be resolved, but if that does not work, you will need to contact WhatsApp support via email, which we have mentioned at the end of this article.

Restrictions relatives aux activités publicitaires dans les groupes sur WhatsApp

Il existe deux manières de réaliser des activités promotionnelles en groupe :

  1. The first method for advertising in WhatsApp groups is to join other groups related to your field of business and try to introduce your business, products and services to the members of those groups by sending messages in these groups. In this case, WhatsApp do not restrict you for sending messages in the group, mais vous devez suivre les règles définies par le responsable du groupe ; Parce queif you ignore the rules of the group and exceed the allowed limit, you may be removed from the group by the admin and you will lose the chance to advertise in these groups and attract customers from the members of these groups forever.
  2. The second method for advertising through WhatsApp groups, is to create a group on WhatsApp by yourself and promote your business by introducing your products and services in that group, and encourage people to join your group by providing attractive and diverse content in your field of activity. But the important issue in this method is the limit on the number of members that can be added to a group; Meaning that vous pouvez ajoutertotal de 256 personnes to a group (either by yourself or your friends in the group); Once you reach this amount, you can no longer add more people to that group, and other members must join your group via the Invite link. But, in the new updates of WhatsApp, there are no limits to the number of members who join your group with a link.

To increase the number of visits, many websites recommend users who want to promote their business on WhatsApp and are looking for a way to increase the number of members of their group beyond the set limit, root their mobile phones. But we do not recommend it because based on the reviews and tests we have done, not only this method does not work in the new updates of WhatsApp, but it will also be very dangerous for your mobile phone.

Three General & Critical Restrictions on WhatsApp

In addition to the restrictions mentioned above, there are some general restrictions that are among the basic rules of WhatsApp and you must consider them for sending your messages in WhatsApp.

Ces limites générales sont généralement réparties dans les trois catégories suivantes :

  1. Être signalé comme une perturbation
  2. Blocage temporaire dû à l'utilisation de versions non officielles de WhatsApp
  3. Être bloqué si vous envoyez des messages au contenu inapproprié

Nous examinerons ces limites de plus près dans ce qui suit :

General & Critical WhatsApp Restriction, Type 1

Être signalé comme une perturbation
The limitation of getting reported means that all WhatsApp users, at any time, can report your account, your group or your channel as disturbance and if the number of these reports increases, WhatsApp restricts (blocks) your activities. Par conséquent, vous devez faire attentionnot to disturb anyone by sending too many advertising messages or sending advertising messages to irrelevant people who have nothing to do with your field of business(par exemple en envoyant des publicités pour des produits cosmétiques aux hommes) pour éviter le risque d'être dénoncé.

General & Critical WhatsApp Restriction, Type 2

Blocage temporaire dû à l'utilisation de versions non officielles de WhatsApp
We have received reports from some of our website users that despite observing all the above points and restrictions, their WhatsApp accounts have been blocked and they have received a message as below.

Getting Temporary Blocked due to Using Unofficial Versions of WhatsApp

WhatsApp peut bloquer votre compte s'il détecte que vous utilisezusing an unofficial version of WhatsApp (apps such as WhatsApp Plus and GB WhatsApp, or apps that claim to transfer your WhatsApp conversations between phones). In this case, WhatsApp usually blocks you temporarily first, and a timer will appear on your WhatsApp screen that shows when your account will be unblocked, and if you use the same apps again, WhatsApp may permanently block your account.

General & Critical WhatsApp Restriction, Type 3

Être bloqué en cas d'envoi de messages contenant un contenu inapproprié
L'une des règles de base les plus importantes de WhatsApp est l'interdiction desending messages on topics such as the promotion of violence, sexual issues, animal abuse and similar subjects. WhatsApp will quickly block your account in case of facing these contents, so you need to be very careful not to make WhatsApp suspicious that you are working in these areas.

Méthodes de déblocage du compte WhatsApp

You can minimize the risk of your WhatsApp account being blocked, by considering the rules and tips mentioned above, but if for any reason your account is restricted or blocked due to exceeding one of the above restrictions (or as we mentioned earlier, sometimes your account will be blocked by mistake) It does not mean that you cannot reach your account again, you can get your WhatsApp account back by sending a message to WhatsApp support to clarify your activities. However, in this article, we do not want to describe WhatsApp unblocking methods and we had only a brief look at this issue, but you can refer to the article that we have published in this regard for more information on this issue.

In this article, we have explained the different types of restrictions that you may face in WhatsApp advertising activities and the reasons for these restrictions, as well as the basic rules of WhatsApp that will block your WhatsApp account. Finally, we referred you to an article so that, if these restrictions occur to your account, you can solve this problem and if your account gets blocked, you can recover it. If you are planning to advertise on WhatsApp for the growth of your business, we recommend that you follow all the restrictions mentioned in this article to minimize the risk of your WhatsApp account from getting banned and blocked, so that you can advertise in WhatsApp with ease.

 پرسش و پاسخ درباره Frequently Asked Questions

Questions fréquemment poséesQuestions fréquemment posées

Les robots sont conçus pour envoyer automatiquement le nombre approprié de messages. N'hésitez pas à les utiliser.
Si vos activités sur WhatsApp sont temporairement bloquées, vous avez la possibilité de modifier le texte de vos annonces. Cependant, si vous êtes bloqué pour la deuxième fois, vous risquez de perdre votre compte.
fausses versions de WhatsApp ne sont pas approuvées en termes de sécurité et d'utilisation correcte. Si Meta Company prend conscience de ce problème, l'intégralité de votre compte peut être bloquée. Envisagez plutôt d'utiliser la méthode de clonage pour avoir un compte WhatsApp supplémentaire.
Un compte professionnel sur WhatsApp est soumis à des restrictions similaires à celles d'un compte normal et, en fonction du niveau d'activité du compte, des restrictions spécifiques et variables peuvent être appliquées.

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