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Repurposing Content Strategy for Better ROI and SEO

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Coming up with unique and intriguing topics for your content marketing might sometimes be exhaustive. You can't always have distinct perspectives in mind to craft content and make it successful on search engine result pages as well. Ranking well on SERPs and generating a significant ROI isn't child's play.

However, a simple trick can help you earn more (SEO and ROI) with comparatively less effort and resource requirements. Several marketers repurpose their content and utilize its different forms, which require less time than crafting content from scratch.

It will help them maximize their reach and effectiveness by reshaping the existing content in different formats and publishing it on different platforms. Further details on "Repurposing Content Strategy for Better ROI and SEO" are discussed below.

What is Content Repurposing

Content repurposing is the process of giving your content a new and refreshing look. However, it shouldn't be confused with content updating; it is just refreshing your continent with updated information. In contrast, content repurposing involves strategically modifying content into a completely different appearance and format. This means you can modify your article into a podcast or convert your whitepaper information into a blog post or video. It is an effective technique in content marketing to bring your existing content into action and useful.

How to Repurpose Content

Follow the strategies discussed below to repurpose your content.

  • Audit Existing Content

    Begin your content repurposing journey by auditing your existing content. Perform a thorough content audit and identify your high-performing posts, content with low engagements, evergreen content, etc.

    There are usually two schools of thought about repurposing content: one suggests updating underperforming posts to improve their performance, while the other proposes repurposing high-performance posts to be more valuable over time.

    Look for your posts with the highest and lowest number of engagements, traffic, or conversions. Then, decide if you want to update the best articles to make them evergreen or low-performing ones to attract more traffic to these pages.

  • Find New Keywords

    If you want to have better SEO performance by repurposing your content, you have to replace your old keywords with new ones. Whatever format you switch your existing content into, you always need keywords. Whether you are converting your blog post into video content or your video clip into an appealing infographic.

    Keywords soon become outdated as the user gradually lacks interest in the topic. It might be possible that the phrases and words that are trending currently in your niche won't be searched a year later or so.

    Therefore, conduct well-versed keyword research to identify new and top-performing keywords in your niche. Evaluate their metrics and choose the one that best suits your existing information and niche. Update your content according to the chosen keywords and use them strategically throughout your updated content.

  • Conduct Market research

    Thorough knowledge of the market and competitors is crucial to achieving better ROI and SEO. You should learn what's trending in your market, what updates are available, and what topics attract the audience's attention.

    Similarly, you should consider how your competitors are coping with market trends and continuous industry changes, which type of content they are updating, and in which formats they are repurposing their existing content.

    You should conduct proper market or competitor research that enlightens you on these issues and helps you resolve queries. These insights will give you a better opportunity to resonate with your content with market demands.

  • Update Information and Facts

    No one is interested in learning your old stats and outdated information. Facts, stats, and figures change without any time constraints, so most of the content (hosting them) becomes irrelevant.

    As a result, it doesn't perform well on search engine result pages (SERPs) and fails to bring the required ROI. For instance, you might have mentioned the total number of conversions compared to visual conversions in your blog post, but that percentage has changed with time.

    Therefore, you should look closely into your content and identify the facts, figures, stats, and other vital details that need to be upgraded. Note down them and update them in the new content format you choose for updating.

  • Revitalize Existing Content

    After updating the facts and information, move on to the next step. Review your written content and deeply analyze the writing style and tone. Identify the sentences and phrases that don't sound SEO-friendly and engaging.

    Revitalize them and captivate your content by including better words and reformatting sentences. Rewriting them manually might consume hours and effort, so consider using an online paraphrasing tool.

    A competent and reliable paraphrase tool might help you modify your simple content. This tool will quickly understand the main context and present it using compelling vocabulary and a more readable, engaging sentence structure.

  • Add Visual Appeal

    While repurposing your content for better SEO and ROI, never overlook the power of visuals. Add visual appeal to your content and repurpose text-based content into the visual format.

    SEO considers visuals a significant component in catching the audience's attention. Therefore, captivate and engage them using eye-catching images, infographics, video guides, or relevant GIFs. For instance, you can create informative infographics for your how-to blogs.

    Or you can also repurpose a long-form review article as a short video clip narrating the entire content. Moreover, the design and color palette of any visual you use should resonate with your brand's identity and message.


Repurposing is a useful strategy in content marketing. Modifying your content requires less time and resources, and it gives your content a new dimension by appearing in distinct formats. The article above mentions practical ways to repurpose your content and improve your SEO and ROI results.

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