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Search and Find Nearby People in Telegram

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You may have seen the option "Find People Nearby" in Telegram and wondered what it is used for! The "Find People Nearby" option in Telegram allows you to find people within a radius of 10 kilometers without having their phone number or Telegram username, and connect with them. In this way, using this option, you can find someone in your Telegram without having their phone numbers, or find people who are in your area on Telegram.

In this article, you will learn how to use the "Find People Nearby" feature in Telegram. Stay with us.

How to Use the Find People Nearby Feature in Telegram

To find the people in your area on Telegram, do as explained below.

Before using the Find People Nearby feature on Telegram, note that:
  1. When you activate this option in your Telegram, as you can find people around you on Telegram, others can also get in touch with you on Telegram through this feature.
  2. The "Find People Nearby" option in Telegram is only active when you are on that page, and if you are outside the page, this feature is disabled for you.

Step 1 Enter Telegram and go to Contacts.

Search and Find Nearby People in Telegram

Step 2 Click on the Find People Nearby option.

Search and Find Nearby People in Telegram

Step 3 Then a list of people who are around your location appears. In this section, choose the person you want to talk to. Note that people can also find you if you enable the Make Myself Visible option.

Search and Find Nearby People in Telegram

Step 4 To chat with the person you want, click on the Message option. As you can see, the "Find People Nearby" feature does not show the person's phone number or username to anyone.

Search and Find Nearby People in Telegram

Step 5 Then you will enter the chat page with the person you want.

Search and Find Nearby People in Telegram

Final words
Through the method explained above, you can connect with people who are within your location, without any phone numbers or usernames having been exchanged. We hope that you will find this article helpful and are looking forward to your comments below.

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