What are Telegram restrictions?
Limitations you encounter while performing bulk & advertising activities in Telegram
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If you intend to advertise your business on Telegram while minimizing the risk of your Telegram account being restricted and blocked, we suggest that you consider the restrictions imposed by Telegram that are mentioned in this post, because most of these restrictions have never been mentioned anywhere directly by Telegram and you cannot find out about these rules simply. Yet, if you violate these principles, Telegram blocks your account, group or business channel and causes irreparable damage to your business.
About the validity of the information presented in this article
For more than 5 years, we have been offering our Telegram advertising software package to numerous customers
around the world, and from our customers feedback, we have gained valuable information about the
limitations of
Telegram that have formed the basis of this article. Certainly, this empirical information is more
reliable than
any theoretical information available on various websites (or even the information presented on the official
Telegram website). However, at the time of writing this content, we have reviewed all the resources available on
the Internet and the official Telegram website so that
nothing is missed and we
can provide comprehensive, accurate and reliable information.
Telegram Restrictions on Advertising Activities
Telegram restrictions are to keep users from bulk advertising activities on this platform because Telegram is a free app and its only way to make money is to sell ads on its own app and if you advertise your own business for free in this application, Telegram will not earn anything anymore. As a result, Telegram imposes restrictions on you to keep you from free advertising on this platform, making you purchase Telegram ads. This method is so common among most platforms that initially claim to be free (and ad-free).
Generally, we do not intend to examine whether their policies are right or wrong, instead we only want to introduce you to the restrictions that Telegram imposes your activities in this platform.
Telegram is a free app and its only way to make money is to sell ads on its own app. As a result, Telegram imposes restrictions on you to keep you from free advertising on this platform, making you purchase Telegram ads.
Restrictions that you may encounter during promotional and advertising activities in Telegram are mainly divided into 3 categories:
- Restrictions on sending direct messages
- Restrictions related to activities in groups
- Restrictions related to channel management
Telegram Restrictions on Sending Direct Messages
You are not free to Send bulk messages in telegram; This means that you cannot send as many messages as you want to people.
Telegrams divides the people you send messages to into 2 categories:
- Familiar people: People who have already chatted with you (or sent you at least one message) or saved your number in their contacts list.
- Strangers (unknown, anonymous or new people): People who have not saved your mobile number and have never chatted with you.
Telegram applies different rules to send messages to each of these two categories:
- No restrictions on sending messages to familiar people: If you want to send messages to familiar people, you will encounter no restrictions and you can send as many messages as you want to your audience.
- Restriction on sending messages to strangers: Telegram does not allow you to send direct messages to more than 50 anonymous people per day with each account (SIM); When you reach this amount, you will receive a message similar to the one you see in the image.

This message tells you that you will no longer be able to send messages to more anonymous people; instead, you are only able to send messages to familiar people. This restriction (being blocked) is temporary and will usually be lifted after 4 to 5 days, and then you will be able to send messages to anonymous people again. Afterwards you need to act cautiously because, if you go beyond this limit again, you may be subject to a longer limit this time and your SIM may eventually be permanently blocked.
However, it is important to note that business owners who need to send bulk messages to their contacts on Telegram should use a Telegram Bulk Sender Bot to save time and money. This is the only way to ensure they will have no concerns about the message-sending process or being blocked by Telegram. They can also make the necessary settings on the bot.
Telegram Restrictions on Activities in Groups
There are two ways to do advertising activities in groups:
- The first method of advertising through Telegram groups is to join other groups (usually related to your business field) and send advertising messages in these groups to introduce your products and services to the members of those groups. There are no restrictions on the number of messages you send to a group, but you must follow the rules set by the group admin; because if you violate the rules of that particular group, the group admin may remove you from the group.
- The second method of advertising through Telegram groups is to create a group and encourage people to join your group by creating and publishing quality content about your products and services. Obviously, the more members join your group and the more people see your products and services, the better your sales chances will be. Therefore, instead of waiting for the people to join your group themselves, you can add different people to your group; but you still need to consider the restrictions that Telegram imposes on adding members to a group. Actually, with each Telegram account, you can add only 50 people to a group per day; Once you reach this amount, you will no longer be able to add more people to that group on the same day with the same account (SIM).
Note that the number of people you can add to a group in a day per SIM is the same for all groups; the groups you have created and are the admin of, as well as the groups you are only a member of and not an admin.
Telegram Restrictions on Channels
You may want to introduce your product or services in Telegram channels to advertise your business. It is easier to carry out advertising activities in a Telegram channel rather than a group because channel members cannot send any messages and only the channel admin can post on the channel.
To send a message on the channel, you must consider two points:
There are no limitations on posting in a channel, but there is one on the number of people you can add to a channel; This means that in general, from the beginning of creating a channel, you (as the channel creator) can add 200 people to the channel in total, and after adding this number of members, people can join your channel through the invitation link you send them directly.
Also note that with each of your Telegram accounts, you can create up to 10 channels.
Very Important Note
Telegram is so strict with violence, crime, fraud, sexual issues, etc and permanently closes the groups and channels that promote such issues. Therefore, you must be very careful not to make Telegram suspicious of your field of activity.
A General & Critical Telegram Restriction
In addition to all the restrictions mentioned above, there is a general limitation you should keep in mind when sending messages in Telegram. This general restriction is that all Telegram users can report your account, your group or your channel whenever they want, and if the number of these reports increases, Telegram will block (restrict) your activities.
By following a series of tips, you can minimize the risk of your Telegram account being blocked due to getting reports. However, in this article, we do not intend to address these points, and we will introduce some methods to remove unban your Telegram account.
Differences between Telegram Premium and Free in Terms of Limitations
Telegram Premium offers many features that allow users to experience fewer limitations when using it. For example, the paid or premium version of the Telegram application enables users to join more channels and supergroups than the free version. Users can also add more members to their channels or groups daily. If you use this foreign messaging app to promote your business, purchasing the paid or premium version is best to experience fewer limitations for your account.
How to Recover a Blocked Telegram Account, Group or Channel
Now, if your Telegram account is blocked because of the violation of any of the mentioned rules, is there a way to restore it?
Yes! There are a number of solutions you can try. You can send a message to the Telegram support team or send an email to spam@telegram.org and by clarifying your activities, ask them to recover your blocked account.
Detailed explanation on how to get out of Telegram block &report is offered in the article below.
How to Get Out of Block & Report on Telegram
Wrapping Up
In this article, we explored the types of restrictions that may occur on your use of Telegram and the reasons
for these restrictions.
Finally, we referred to an article so that if these restrictions occur for your account, you can solve this problem and if your account is blocked, you can recover it.
If you are planning to advertise in Telegram to grow your business, you must observe all the restrictions mentioned in this article in order to minimize the risk of your Telegram account being restricted and blocked.
Hello! Excellent info, it is uncommon to find so exact information about TG. I would like to ask you the current limits (Jan 30-2023) for manually adding users to my TG Group directly from my contact list. Thanks!
You can add up to 50 new members using each account in a day. You are not usually allowed to add people using TG accounts that have been created by a virtual SIM. Also, to add people, you will need accounts from the same country by which a group had been created. For example, in most cases, if your TG group was created by an American number, you will need American numbers to add people.