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the v-User Recorder Program Manual - Is Banner

the v-User Recorder Program Manual

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About the Recorder Application

The name of this application is the vUser Recorder, and its icon looks like a red hand (). This application is used to record mouse and keyboard actions, and to save them in a macro file to be later executed.

The general workflow of recording a Macro is like this: First, on the main window of the Recorder application, you click on the record a new macro button, and the recording window will appear. Then you begin to perform the actions that you want to record. While you perform these actions, the application records them. Once you click on the stop stop (stop button), you can save the recorded commands in a Macro file by clicking on the save macro buttonbutton. By doing this, you’ll have a file with the VUM extension that is ready to be opened by the Player application.

The Main Window of the Recorder Application

Once you open the Recorder application, its main window is going to open, and it looks like this:

main window of the recorder application

Changing the Language of the Recorder Application

The Virtual User Software is delivered in English and Persian languages. If you want to change the language of the application, you can click on the “Setting” (setting button) ) button, and select the language that you want from the “Language” sub-menu.

changing the language in the Recorder application

Open Macro Button

Open Macro Button in the Recorder application

By clicking on the open macro button button, you can open a previously saved Macro, and add more commands and actions to the end of its commands.

Record New Macro

recorder application

Whether a Macro has been opened or not, the record new macro button will begin to record a new set of commands and actions.

Continue Record Button

Continue Record Button in the recorder application

If you have opened a Macro, or are in the middle of recording one, the (Continue Record Button in the recorder application) button will be enabled. If you click on this button, you can return to recording actions and commands for the current Macro.

Save Macro Button

To save the actions that have been recorded, you can click on the save macro button button.

Save Macro Sub-Menu Button


This sub-menu works button, but if you select this item, there will be no prompts to change the name of the Macro. If there is a Macro with the same name, it will be overwritten by the Recorded Macro.

Settings Button of virtual user recorder application

settings button in the recorder window

By clicking on this button, you can change the language of the application and view its help files.

Changing the Language of the Recorder

The Virtual User Software is delivered in English and Persian languages. If you want to change the language of the application, you can click on the “Setting” (setting button) ) button, and select the language that you want from the “Language” sub-menu.

changing the language in the Recorder application

Help Menu Item of virtual user recorder application

Clicking on this button opens the Help file of the application.

help menu item of the Recorder application

About Menu Item of virtual user recorder application

Clicking on this button opens a window that contains some information about the application.

about the recorder application

This window looks like this

about the recorder application

The Recorder Window of virtual user recorder application

When you click on the “Record New Macro” or “Continue Recording” buttons, the Recorder application will change its state and begins recording the action. In the recording state, the window will change and is going to look like the image below. While the Recorder is in this state, all the actions that you perform will be saved and reported in a list. In this image, you can see the first recorded command.

introducing the recorder application

You can change the size of this window, and by increasing the height, you can see all the reports and actions that have been recorded so far.

introducing the recorder application

Pause Button of virtual user recorder application

While recording a Macro, all mouse and keyboard actions are recorded. Therefore, if you want to perform an action and don’t want it to be recorded, first, you need to click on the “pause” (pause button of the recorder application) or press the F2 key on your keyboard, then perform the actions that you want, and finally click on the same button that now looks like this: stop button of the recorder application to continue to record the actions. Or, you can click on the “Stop” (pause button of the recorder application button or press the F3 key, and when you are ready to record again, click on the continue record button button on the main window.

Stop Button of virtual user recorder application

While recording a Macro, all mouse and keyboard actions are recorded. Therefore, if you want to perform an action and don’t want it to be recorded, first, you need to click on the “pause” (pause button of the recorder application) or press the F2 key on your keyboard, then perform the actions that you want, and finally click on the same button that now looks like this: stop button of the recorder application to continue to record the actions. Or, you can click on the “Stop” (pause button of the recorder application button or press the F3 key, and when you are ready to record again, click on the continue record button button on the main window.

Configuring the Record Process

Configuring the Record Process in the recorder application

By changing these options, you can configure what gets recorded. If you uncheck these options, the actions that are performed by the corresponding devices (mouse or keyboard) will not be recorded. There are some other options which we’ll discuss in another article.

Configuring the Recording

The Recorder application has some options that you can use to configure the Recording process of mouse and keyboard commands. You can also disable the capture of mouse or keyboard actions.

In the middle of the Recorder application, there are two menus, one is for mouse, and the other is for keyboard configurations:

sub menu items in the recorder application

By enabling each of these options, you can configure the recording process.

number 1 Record Mouse Commands (F11) If this option is enabled, the detailed information of the clicked window or button will also be captured. This information will help the Player application to locate the correct window and button better while executing the macro

number 2 Mouse Events (F11) If this option is enabled, only the X & Y coordinates of the mouse will be recorded, and the Player application will click on those coordinates, regardless of a window being there.

number 3 No Capturing mouse commands (F11) As the name suggests, if this option is enabled, mouse commands will not be recorded.

number 4 Record as Keyboard Commands (F12) If this option is enabled, detailed information on active windows and focused text boxes will be saved along with the keyboard commands. This information will help the Player application to run the macros better and type the saved keyboard commands the same window and box.

number 5 Record as Keyboard Events (F12) If this option is enabled, only the pressed keys will be recorded. When the Player application is executing Keyboard events, it just types the keys and doesn’t care about the active windows or focused text boxes.

number 6 No capturing keyboard Actions (F12) As the name suggests, if this option is enabled, the application will not record keyboard commands

number 7 Mouse Movements By enabling this option, the app will record the movements of your mouse on the screen.

Recording Other Actions

While recording, you can use function keys to record one of these actions:

F2 pause To pause the recording process F2
F3 stop To stop the recording process F3
F4 Set Window to Stay on Top Applies to the recorder window F4
F5 Get Text from Window/Control Gets the title of a window, or contents of a textbox F5
F6 Set Text into Window/Control Changing the contents of a textbox or the title of a window F6
F7 Wait for Window to Close Waiting for a specific window to close F7
F8 Wait for Window to Open Waiting for a specific window to open F8
F9 Check Control Status Enabled or Disabled, Visible or Hidden F9

Settings Button of the Recorder

setting button in the Recorder application

Set the window to Stay On Top

If you want the recorder window to stay on top of all other windows, you need to (first, pause the recording by pressing the F2 key, and then) by clicking on the Settings button and selecting the Settings menu, click on the Stay On Top (This Window) menu item.

Record Wait for window to open Automatically

As an example, let’s assume you have saved a Mouse Action, that clicks on the “Ok” button of a Login Window; when the macro reaches this action, what happens if the Login window hasn’t been opened yet? Naturally, the Player will not find the button and shows an error. To address this situation, you can insert a “Delay,” but in different circumstances (like, for example, when your systems become slow), you might need to set various delays. The Virtual User Software has the ability to wait for a specific window to open, and then run the next commands. So the Player can wait for the Login window to open and then click on the Ok button.

Therefore, when you are recording the actions that are performed on new windows, you need to check that this option is selected. If this is the case, each time you open a new window or application, a “Wait for Window to Open” action will be saved automatically.

automatic recording of the wait for window to open

Using or Not Using the Function Keys

While the Recorder window is visible, all the function keys of your keyboard will change to its shortcuts. This means that if you press the F3 key on any screen, the Stop button of the Recorder application will be pressed, and the recording will stop.
However, if you do not need this functionality, you can disable it.

 using hotkeys on the recorder application

If the first option (Don’t use hotkeys ”F2 … F12” in vUser Recorder) is selected, then the Recorder application will not bind these keys, and you can no longer use them as shortcuts. For example, if this option is selected, and you want to stop the recording process, you need to click on the Stop button yourself.
If the second option (Use hotkeys ”F2 … F12” in vUser Recorder) is selected, then the Recorder application will bind these keys, and you can no longer use them on other apps.

If none of these options are selected, then the function keys will work in both the Recorder applications and all other applications.

Actions that will not be recorded

The Recorder application will ignore some actions to make the recording process more manageable. For example:

- Mouse movements from one point to another will not be recorded, and the application just records the actions of the mouse.

- When you click on the Title Bar of a window or move it around, these actions will not be recorded. Therefore, you can move the windows to the locations that you want.

- When you use the options or buttons of the Recorder application, no action will be recorded, so you can easily work with this window during the recording process.

- If keyboard function keys are only used in the Recorder application, then pressing them will not be recorded. (you can also bind/unbind specific function keys)

actions that wont get recorded

Remove Last Recorded Action

Remove Last Recorded Action

As the name suggests, you can use this menu item to remove the last command that has been recorded. When you clicked or typed something that you didn’t want to record, this option comes in handy. Note that once this is done, there is no way to recover the last action.

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