How to Close Instagram Comments - Is Banner

Comment fermer les commentaires Instagram

Table des matières

If you want to publish a post on Instagram, but you are not interested in receiving any comments under it, you can disable commenting for that post.
Dans cet article, vous allez apprendre comment fermer les commentaires d'une publication sur Instagram.

Pour désactiver les commentaires sur une publication particulière sur Instagram, suivez les étapes ci-dessous :

Étapes pour fermer les commentaires sur Instagram

Étape 1 Ouvrez la publication pour laquelle vous souhaitez désactiver les commentaires.
and on top of the post, click on the three dots ( ) icon.

How to Close Instagram Comments

Étape 2 Dans le menu qui apparaît, sélectionnezDésactiver les commentaires.

How to Close Instagram Comments

As you can see, by following these steps, the comment icon no longer appears under the post, not allowing anybody to leave comments there.

Derniers mots

In this article, you have learned a trick using which you can disable the possibility of commenting on your Instagram post. We hope you will find this article helpful.

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Don't forget...

Do not forget that the vUser website has a bot for commenting on websites, which you can use to advertise your business by leaving comments in different websites, and if you have a website, you can put your website link in the comments text to provide free backlinks to your website and improve its off-page SEO. You can read about the features of the Auto Commenter Bot Package here Commenter automatique