Save Instagram posts - Is Banner

Enregistrer les publications Instagram

Table des matières

While browsing Instagram and scrolling between different posts, you want to save some of the posts so that you can have access to them later whenever you need. If you save a post, that post is saved in a section of Instagram that you can easily access later.

For example, imagine you saw a post of a dress you like to have a dressmaker make for you, so you need to save the post to show the model to the dressmaker later. By saving the post, it will be stored in a particular section of your Instagram account so that you can quickly go to that part whenever you want to find it and use it.

In the following, you are going to see the steps of how to save an Instagram post and how to find it later in the Enregistré.

Comment enregistrer des publications sur Instagram

There is this bookmark icon ( ) below any post you open in Instagram. By clicking this icon, the desired post will be saved in a section of Instagram called Enregistré.

save instagram posts

Comment enregistrer des publications Instagram dans des collections particulières

You can create different categories (collections) in the Saved section and save each post in its related collection. This way the Saved section of your Instagram will be more organized and you will access the posts you have saved more easily and quickly. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your desired Instagram post and press the bookmark ( ) icon below the post.
  2. In the new page that appears, you can either select one of the collection you have created before and are listed here or create a new collections. To create a new one, you select the “Nouvelle collection» option.
  3. A box opens in which you can choose a name for your collection. Insert the name in the Collection name field. Then press Save at the top.

Ce faisant, vous enregistrerez la publication Instagram souhaitée dans une collection particulière et vous pourrez y accéder plus facilement ultérieurement.
Dans ce qui suit, vous verrez comment retrouver les publications que vous avez enregistrées.

Comment trouver les publications enregistrées sur Instagram

Voyons maintenant dans quelle partie d'Instagram la publication souhaitée est enregistrée.

Étapes pour limiter le nombre de personnes autorisées à répondre à vos stories sur Instagram

Si vous souhaitez affiner le nombre de personnes ou de comptes qui peuvent saisir des réponses à vos stories sur Instagram, suivez les étapes ci-dessous :

Étape 1 First enter your profile page and click on the ( ) icon.

save instagram posts

Étape 2 Lorsque vous entrez dans la page souhaitée, sélectionnezEnregistré.

save instagram posts

Toutes les publications que vous avez enregistrées se trouvent sur la page enregistrée.

Comment supprimer une publication Instagram de la section enregistrée

If you are done using a post that you have saved in Instagram, you may want to remove it from the saved section. To do so, you just need to open the desired post and press the bookmark ( ) icon. Pressing this icon makes the filled icon go blank. Filled bookmark icon below a post means the post is saved and blank bookmark icon means the post is not saved.

Derniers mots

You have learned how to save photos or videos that are published by others in Instagram so that you can have access to them whenever needed. If you know any other method, please share it with us and other users in the comments section.

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