The easiest way to download from Instagram - Is Banner

Le moyen le plus simple de télécharger depuis Instagram

Table des matières

a By following the steps below, you can easily save the first 15 seconds of other people's video posts in your phone gallery

Étapes pour télécharger depuis Instagram

Étape 1 Add a video post (note that this only works for posts) to your Story. For this purpose, just press the share button under the post you want and select the Add to your story option.

The easiest way to download from Instagram

Étape 2 La page de l'histoire s'affichera sur votre téléphone. Cliquez maintenant sur l'icône à 3 points et sélectionnezEnregistrer.

The easiest way to download from Instagram

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Don't forget...

Do not forget that the vUser website offers a bot package to increase your Instagram followers by drawing the audiences of your competitors to your page with special techniques and tools. Also, tools are included in this package that can greatly increase the chances of your posts entering Instagram Explore. If you have an Instagram page, we recommend that you visit the webpage Booster d'abonnés Instagram and take a look at the features of this package.