Differences Between WhatsApp Panels and WhatsApp Bots
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In this article, we discuss panels and bots for bulk messaging and advertisements on WhatsApp. So let's review a brief introduction on why you need to use some tools such as bots for sdvertising on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular and widely used messengers among users. WhatsApp provides a great opportunity for advertising. But advertising on WhatsApp is not possible easily because WhatsApp itself does not have any special tools for advertising. Therefore, advertising on WhatsApp is limited to sending private promotional messages or creating promotional groups,
etc. In the article “Limitations of WhatsApp Advertising”, we have explained the case in more detail.
In general, this method of advertising (ie sending private messages on a large scale) is very difficult to do manually and requires special tools. For this purpose, WhatsApp bots are designed to automatically send bulk messages. The panel does not work separately from the bot either, and in its background, there is an active bot that does the work.
Now let's explore these two tools further ...
WhatsApp Bot
First of all, it is important to know that the WhatsApp bots we are considering in this article are different from the bots in the WhatsApp business; bots in WhatsApp Business are responsible for a number of tasks, such as automatic response. Therefore, they can not be used for advertising. But
WhatsApp advertising bots (which we are considering in this article) are bots that do the usual WhatsApp tasks automatically instead of being done by users manually. Affairs
like sending bulk messages to the list of numbers, extracting members of WhatsApp groups and adding people to the group, etc.
WhatsApp Sender and vUser Whatsapp Advertising Bot are among the famous examples of these bots, known also internationally.
To gain further information about the features of either of the two bots, you can refer to their website.

What is WhatsApp Panel? Does it exist?
The panel is actually an interface that provides options for the user to apply settings and receive reports. Almost all panels are connected to some software in the background that receives the settings from the panel, does the work, and sends a report to the panel. In fact, the panel itself does not work
and is just an interface between the software (or a software bot) and the user.
Take SMS or SMS panels, for example. In these panels, you never have access to the sender software itself, and you only specify the numbers and text of the message and press a button. The panel sends your input information, which is actually the numbers and text of the message, to the sender's software, and after doing the job (sending SMS), receives the sending report
from that software and displays it to you.
If a panel is to be designed for WhatsApp, it should be similar to the same SMS panels, where you prepare the numbers and text of the message and press a button to complete the submissions and the report will be prepared for you.
Why there is no WhatsApp bulk messaging panel
Due to the limitations of WhatsApp, it is almost impossible to design a panel for it. Because sending bulk and multiple messages to many users is considered illegal and spam according to WhatsApp. Therefore, users who send their advertisements in the form of sending consecutive messages to users may be blocked by this company temporarily or permanently. Consequently, it is out of the question that WhatsApp would provide the facilities for creating a Telegram panel for its programmers to send bulk messages.
Offering special APIs by WhatsApp to business accounts
One of the features that WhatsApp offers to business owners is special APIs for sending bulk messages. One of the problems with this method is that this feature is only available to some users. Because some countries are on the company's blocklist due to sanctions, and for this reason, users of those countries cannot receive these approvals from WhatsApp Business. Of course, it is essential to note that even if you receive approval, you can only send messages to inform users, and the content of the message should not be advertising or product and service introduction.
The best way to send bulk messages on WhatsApp
Indeed, you question how businesses active on WhatsApp can send bulk advertising messages to users. The best option for this is to use bulk messaging robots on WhatsApp. This robot, taking into account the limitations of WhatsApp, sends bulk advertising messages in a targeted manner, increasing sales and interaction with users but also helps to make the brand more recognizable.
In conclusion
We hope this explanation has cleared up the differences between WhatsApp panel and WhatsApp bulk messaging bot. Currently, there is no such thing as a WhatsApp panel in the market and such services are not technically possible, so when dealing with sites that claim to provide such services, be careful and validate all permissions of that website.