How to Close Instagram Comments - Is Banner

How to Close Instagram Comments

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If you want to publish a post on Instagram, but you are not interested in receiving any comments under it, you can disable commenting for that post.
In this article, you are going to learn how to close comments under a post on Instagram.

To disable commenting under a particular post in Instagram, follow the steps below:

Steps to Close Comments on Instagram

Step 1 Open the post on which you want commenting to be disabled.
and on top of the post, click on the three dots ( ) icon.

How to Close Instagram Comments

Step 2 From the menu that appears, select Turn off commenting option.

How to Close Instagram Comments

As you can see, by following these steps, the comment icon no longer appears under the post, not allowing anybody to leave comments there.

Final Words

In this article, you have learned a trick using which you can disable the possibility of commenting on your Instagram post. We hope you will find this article helpful.

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