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Reasons For Followers Drop On Instagram - Is Banner

Reasons For Followers Drop On Instagram

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There are many ways to attract followers to your Instagram page, but the important thing over time is to be able to keep your followers. Just as a high number of followers brings credibility to your page, so does followers drop diminish your page in your audience’s eye. Retaining followers is especially important for business pages because every one of these followers is one of the potential customers of that business.

If over time the number of your followers decreases, but you are unaware of the reason for this decline, we recommend that you join us in this article. Here are some things to do to keep your followers from leaving your page.

Reasons for Followers Drop

How you work on Instagram and the quality of the content you create has a huge impact on your followers. Here are some of the most important reasons why your followers will unfollow your page. By investigating these cases, you can find the main cause of your page followers drop or take the necessary measures to prevent it.


Over-advertising Your Products

One of the most important reasons for the decrease in the number of followers is too much advertising. Excessive advertising can make followers tired and prevent them from following the page. If you have a particular business or brand, you do not need to constantly promote your products in it. Even the most famous brands in the world do not advertise directly. They provide training on the amazing things you can do with their products to imperceptibly encourage you to buy the goods. Simply put, your audience is looking for simple and useful educational content in any field, so avoid too much advertising.

Advertising Other Pages or Products

Advertising on unrelated products or other pages can be as tedious as direct advertising of your products to your followers. So try to publish other content in addition to promoting products to keep your audience.

Publishing Too Many Posts

It is confusing to the audience that some Instagram pages publish posts and stories without having any particular plans or schedules. Sometimes the number of posts is so huge and untimely that the audience gets tired. Have a plan for your weekly activity on Instagram and manage the number of your posts.

Lack of Activity or Low Activity on Instagram

Sometimes some pages post so little and so late that the page follower considers it inactive and as a result, leaves the page. It is better to set a specific schedule for your page so that you can maintain your continuous activity on Instagram and your followers will feel a quantitative and qualitative balance in your posts.

Publishing Posts Unrelated To Your Page Niche

Publishing content that is irrelevant to your page niche and does not meet the needs of the followers will cause a drop in followers.

Take a page that is about cooking and posts cooking tutorials, but after a while, the topic is changed and the posts get more motivational or entertaining. The needs of the audience of this page (which is generally looking for culinary content) are no longer met after this change, and they also naturally start to unfollow the page.


Having Fake Followers

When buying fake followers, you should pay attention to the consequences of losing the purchased followers as well as your real followers. In the article "Fake Followers Vs. Real Followers on Instagram” and in the section “Is Buying Fake Followers Beneficial For Your Page?” We have explained in detail the reason for this drop.

Lack of Interaction With The Audience or Show Disrespect to Them

If you are a seller of products or services on Instagram, there are certainly many people who come to you directly and ask you questions about the desired product or service. Now, if due to your inattention to Instagram direct messages, their questions stay unanswered or they encounter undesirable behavior on your part, they may easily leave your page. Spending some time to interact with your followers, appreciating their comments, liking their pages and comments, and showing respectful behavior are some of the factors that can maintain your followers.

Inefficient After-Sales Service

Receiving poor quality services or no support after purchase may not only cause your followers to be dissatisfied and leave your page, but also cause the dissatisfied person to launch negative campaigns against your account or brand and encourage your followers to unfollow.

Unattractive Content

Attractive images, nice captions, and unique hashtags are some of the things that make followers continue to follow a page on Instagram. If there is a change in this process that is not to your interst and taste, it can easily attract other attractive pages and stop following your page. In fact, users should feel good about your posts and recognize your page as a professional page worth spending time and following.

Lack of Proper Profile Picture and Bio

Profile and bio are the best options to gain your followers' trust in your authenticity. If in the middle of your Instagram activity, you make a drastic change in your bio or profile or delete it, the followers are more likely to leave your page. Therefore, if you have an office or company, it is necessary to put the office address, telephone number, company founder and website address in the bio section.


Shadowban on Instagram

Shadowban is a penalty that Instagram imposes on users for certain activities. These activities can include using repetitive or banned hashtags, buying fake followers, being reported by users, and excessive activity on Instagram. If you are shadowbanned by Instagram, your posts will not be shown in the Explore feed or to your followers. This can lead to a gradual decline in your followers and a lack of new followers.

Can attracting followers through "Get Real Instagram followers Bot" cause followers drop?

Get instagram followers bot is some software that works on Instagram instead of you. With this bot, you can be permanently active on Instagram. This bot automatically follows, targets, comments, likes And send mass DMs to your page's target audience (users who are interested in your page niche). Such activities introduce your page to a large group of audience. If those users like the type and quality of your content, they will follow you to their own will. Therefore, attracting followers using the bot can never be the reason for your page followers drop, because when you use the bot, no user will be added to your followers unless they want to themselves.

You can learn more about the effects of using Instagram bot on attracting followers in the article How does Instagram bot boost the number of your page followers? .

In Conclusion

So to act successfully and profitably in Instagram, keep the balance. Spend enough time to improve the content and interact with your followers and avoid publishing too many ads and junk posts. In this way, you can attract the Instagram users’ attention to your page and in addition to earning money, create an attractive and fun environment for them.


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Don't forget...

Do not forget that the vUser website offers a bot package to increase your Instagram followers by drawing the audiences of your competitors to your page with special techniques and tools. Also, tools are included in this package that can greatly increase the chances of your posts entering Instagram Explore. If you have an Instagram page, we recommend that you visit the webpage Instagram Follower Booster and take a look at the features of this package.