Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot
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The Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot, existing in the
Instagram Follower Booster Bot
Package, a product of the vUser website,
is a robotic software product that can automatically log out of the Instagram account you are logged in with.
In this post, we are going to discuss how the Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot helps you in your
business activities and how it works.
Usage of the Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot?
To log out of your Instagram account may seem a super easy work to do, but if you intend to perform
advertising and promotional activities on more than one Instagram page using automated tools,
you will also need a tool to automatically log out of your one account so that you can log into another
account of yours.
The vUser Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot, that we have introduced in the first paragraph, is such a
tool you can use for this purpose.
Important tips
- Before running the bot, fill in the settings excel file correctly so that the bot can run with no errors.
- Run the Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot file, using the UI program of the Virtual User bot package, which looks like a blue hand.
First Note: If you write the Instagram username of the page from which you want to Logout out into the Settings Excel File, the bot can perform this operation with more precision. Please fill in this parameter.
of Instagram Account Auto Logout BotHow the Bot Works
How to configure and work with this bot is provided in tutorial PDF and video files, which come with the bot.
Therefore, we are not going to explain these issues here again.
To launch this bot, you just need to open the Instagram Follower Booster UI program and choose the
Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot, apply the required settings by
inserting the username of the target account you want to log out from and then you run the bot.
Afterwards, you do not need to do anything because the rest will be done automatically by the bot.
After you execute the Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot, it will launch the system browser and go to
the Instagram website, and then clicks
on the three horizontal line icon that exists in the column on the right of the screen. Then, a menu appears
and the bot clicks on Log out.
The video below shows you how the Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot works.
How to Get the Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot is a part of the
Instagram Follower Booster Bot Package, which is a product of the vUser website,
and to get the bot you need to purchase the whole package for 59 €.
The Instagram Account Auto Logout Bot is just a small part of the Instagram Follower Booster Bot Package
and it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you boost the followers of your page
by many more automated targeted activities.

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